Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Prophetic Dream?

With suitcase in hand
I stopped in to say good-bye
In her dream last night.

With deaths on her mind
She wonders if I'm okay
Feels a "little freaked".

"Still here" I tell her,
Heart still beating, still breathing
Suitcase still unpacked.

When my time does come
I'd like to tell her good-bye
With suitcase in hand.

-- February 21, 2007
(For Renee & Her Dream)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Course in Miracles" Haiku

Love and forgiveness,
That's all that really matters.
Ego fears the truth.

Choose love or choose fear.
There are no other choices.
So decide. Live peace!

-- January 21, 2007


Why so loud, ego?
Clamoring for attention,
Always seek control.

Do we not seek peace?
Obviously we do not.
Obsessing instead.

Will peace ever come?
It's easier than you think.
Listen to your heart.

What's the formula?
Get quiet and stop thinking.
You discover peace!

-- January 20, 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nature's Quiet Obscenity

"Nature's wastefulness"
Throwing its Beauty away --
Then makes even more!

White blossoms foaming,
Dogwood tree losing its mind.
Bride rips off her clothes.

Blossoms overflow,
Sudsy, foaming mug of beer.
Drunken dogwood tree.

-- January 18, 2007
Reading Tony Hoagland
Poem - "A Color of the Sky"
What Narcissism Means to Me

Reading Eckhart Tolle

Break from your story,
Drama of your history.
Roll up that old scroll!

Clinging to story,
Burden of past and future.
No present moment.

The fullness of life
arrives through a narrow gate
This present moment.

Excessive thinking,
Non-stop voice of the ego
Knows nothing of love.

The voice in your head
doesn't have a clue you are
Deeper than your thoughts.

Preciousness of Being
An aliveness deep within --
Your true specialness.

Inner spaciousness,
Experience of Presence
Brings love into life.

No need to change them.
Allow everyone to be.
You can be happy!

Not getting; getting.
Ways of being unhappy --
Compulsive striving.

What's most important?
The sacred, divine, the true.
Be still. And find love.

-- January 16, 2007

At the Ocean

Golden moon sinking
in the dark ocean of night,
Beckoning sun rise.

As fog burns away
breaking waves reflect the sun,
Ribbons of white ... roar!

Drinking strong coffee
as waves rush to meet shore
Wakes up a new day.

-- Sept. 18, 2002
SeeVue - Oregon Coast

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Listening At Dawn

Wide awake in bed
He listens to her breathing,
Waiting for the dawn.

-- January, 2007